In the summer of 2020 my family moved to Lexington, South Carolina, a suburb of Columbia. We were settling in and making new friends and becoming active in our local church. I have been an avid Table Top Role-playing Gamer for a bit over 30 years now. After the move, I was left with no friends nearby to play with and that led to an idea. I started a small group at our church called Disciples & Dragons. We met once a week on Friday evening and for the first hour we had a Bible study and for the following 2 hours I taught a bunch of newbies how to play Role-playing Games.

I am no longer running that small group; although, I might again in the future. Now I run a face-to-face game that meets at our home comprised mostly of new friends from our neighborhood. I also run two online games with friends that don’t live near us anymore. That adds up to about 6 sessions a month… give or take. I use this site to post information about role-playing games and session write-ups for our games for those that are interested.

While I don’t do the Bible study anymore, I am also going to use this site to talk about the Bible, the Church, and other topics related to Christianity. Sometimes these might relate to something that happened in one of our games but mostly it’ll be my random thoughts on such things. Perhaps someone will find this interesting. If so, I think that’ll be excellent. If not, it’s still good for me to get these things out of my system by writing about them.