Strange Aeons (E24): Showdown Under Iris Hill

Strange Aeons (E24): Showdown Under Iris Hill

This session’s write up is fairly simple. Almost the entire session was a climactic battle against Melisenn in the inner sanctum of the Cult of the Yellow King.

Gardain was the first down the stairs from the crypt and into the inner sanctum. That might seem a little odd to some that the heavily armored dwarven fighter is the scout of the party. Fair enough. Our group seems to believe in reconnaissance in force. It’s worked out for them thus far. Since he had Light cast on his shield, Melisenn had no problem knowing he was coming and she greeted him from across the large, vaulted-ceiling room.

If you think your condition means you’re important, you’re wrong. You are nothing! You are an ember floating from some putrid bonfire that will also wink out in the cold death of the universe. We are all worthless before the Unspeakable One! Even if he has marked you, I am the one who will open this world to him—not Lowls, and not you. You will not take my place—you will die! The King in Yellow is coming!“, she yelled out before combat started.

I won’t bore you with a blow by blow of the combat but it was pretty fun and dynamic. Melisenn was not a powerhouse in the damage department but she had several powers that did some damage, some caused conditions to be applied to those affected, and one allowed her to switch places with an ally. She was also a legendary creature and had 2 Legendary Actions per round and 2 Legendary Resistances. As allies she had to Byakhee, a Hound of Tindalos, and Risi Nairgon (a rogue-type NPC).

In the middle of the combat it also became apparent that Zach’s patron, Hastur, was also the patron of Melisenn and the elder god had a vested interest in Melisenn winning. Zach discovered that his powers were fighting against him and it was difficult to use his Eldritch Blast. That was fun.

Flying creatures did flyby attacks. Melisenn teleported hither and yon and blasted away at the party. Risi engaged in ranged Sneak Attacks. The Hound of Tindalos ran around clawing and biting and generally being a nuisance. It was a good time.

Eventually the party overpowered the minions and Melisenn was left to herself. However, Strummer, the Tengu Bard, had been hurt badly enough that Melisenn held his life hostage in order to negotiate her escape. She agreed to not kill Strummer, leave Thrushmoor forever, and tell the party what she knew of Lowls’ plans in exchange for her life. The party agreed. Here’s what she revealed before she left.

  • Lowls’ ultimate goal was to somehow summon the ancient city of Carcosa, the home of The King in Yellow, to Golarian. Melisenn wanted that as well but she wanted to be the one to do it, not Lowls.
  • Lowls was headed to Cassomir to get help from a scholar friend of his, Miacknian Mun. The two of them were apparently after a book called The Nightmare Codex which contained the information to summon Carcosa.
  • The trip from Thrushmoor to Cassomir by boat was about 2 and a half months… give or take.

That was the end of the session and the finale of the 2nd Chapter of the Strange Aeons Adventure Path. The party advance to 6th level and began planning their next moves.


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